Develop Right
In order to maximise the success of any project, we understand that the key cornerstones of development must be achieved. We have identified these cornerstones and adopted them into our develop right model.
At Town Planning Alliance, every project regardless of size or scale is robustly guided through the following phases.
Buy Right
The old adage that “you make your money in the buying” has never resonated more than in this marketplace.
Prior to purchasing any development sites, we offer our expertise in determining the development potential while also identifying any development risks. We draw upon our specialist alliance who provide their expertise (ie civil, traffic, acoustic and ecology etc) thereby enabling a well-rounded assessment of a site prior to purchase. This ensures that you are purchasing with confidence.
Build Right
Typically once a development approval is issued, the core of our work is completed. Notwithstanding, we do not abandon the project simply because we have delivered an approval. We maintain open channels with civil contractors, builders and project managers to ensure that we are available to them should they have any points of clarification.

Plan Right
This is the stage in which our absolute expertise comes to the fore. We structure development applications, presenting them in the best light possible. As part of each application, we develop an assessment strategy which determines whether the application will be ‘fastracked’ within Council or assessed via the normal channels. Where projects are contentious, we develop consultation strategies with key stakeholder and decision makers to ensure an optimum outcome.
In preparing applications, we draw upon our network of specialist and co-ordinate the necessary specialist reports which dovetail into our application package thereby presenting a holistic application to Council for their decision. Our ongoing relationship with consultants ensure a prompt response with competitive pricing from these allied professionals.
Manage Right
The stages following a development approval are critical to the success of a project. Strong co-ordination of marketing campaigns, operational works and related approvals, preparation of disclosure documents etc all need to be methodically managed and coordinated in such a fashion as to ensure the project vision is maintained. In view of this, Town Planning Alliance offers to remain within the project team to ensure smooth transfer of project knowledge to the subsequent consultants thus ensuring a seamless transition and progression of the development.